Dhaka Week
3 min readOct 11, 2020


This is Image of WandaVision Comics Movie’s Main Stars
WandaVision Star

A year or two ago, it would have been pretty unthinkable. To have an entire year go by without a single MCU film. Something that hasn’t happened since 2009. When the MCU was kind of brand new. But now here we are as far as the big screen goes marvel. Basically calling this year awash and waiting things out. Which is disappointing but pretty understandable still. That doesn’t mean we’re getting nothing from the MCU. As it’s looking like Juan division. Lined up to finally come to Disney plus around December. Yes, I am talking about WandaVision’s latest one. Wandavision makes me glad that because I think this show might shape up to be something pretty special.

And unique especially within the MCU I’m going to talk about it today. But I also want to discuss the service it’s on Disney plus. Salvo relax mom, no one takes better care of her husband so okay. It almost goes without saying that the Mandalorian was a massive hit. Baby Yoda was huge and it gave Disney plus the kind of big buzzworthy show. That services like HBO, max, or peacock were sadly lacking at launch. Even if I do think one of those services is a lot better than Disney plus overall. It’s the platform signature show.

I’m pretty impressed with how quickly they were able to get a new season out. Considering the long waits between seasons of other expensive shows like game of thrones or even the witcher. So I definitely don’t want to minimize the show’s success. But at the end of the day, it is just one show. Now they also had a new season of clone wars but assuming you aren’t a big star wars person. Disney plus has just been very very thin.

Discussion About The This Movie:

Comics Of Wanda Vision MCU Movie

In terms of original scripted tv shows assuming Wandavision does launch in December or even late November. That will mean the first MCU show is coming a full year. After the launch of the service in America. Now that wasn’t the plan without the pandemic and some earthquakes. In Puerto Rico, falcon, and the Winter Soldier would have come out in august.

But even when you do take the pandemic into account Disney plus. Releasing shows at a snail’s pace probably because of so many of the shows. That was planned for this year like love victor high fidelity and the Lizzie McGuire revival. Either scrapped or sent off to Hulu and it hasn’t helped. That many of the service’s original films like Artemis, fowl magic camp, and, Mulan have been received pretty poorly.

Overall I feel the popularity of the service almost. Entirely hinges on the Mandalorian clone wars and the back catalog of Disney classics. Now that’s definitely nothing but in terms of the variety of scripted shows services.

That gets far less buzz like apple tv. Really blow it out of the water, at least so far which brings us back to WandaVision. Now, this Article has been pretty negative. But I don’t totally mean it to be I do think. There’s a lot that Disney plus can and probably already is doing to fix this problem. And WandaVision looks like it could be a big part of that see. I think the biggest potential problem with these MCU shows is that they could come off as overlong and cheaper versions. Continue Reading…



Dhaka Week

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